In the heart of Jaipur, dwells a dream born from the creative instincts of brothers Paritosh and Priyank Mehta. Driven by their fascination for local crafts and culture, they embarked on an evolutionary journey and interpreted one-of-a-kind trunks to treasure collectibles, passions, tradition, memories.
Trunks Company was a start-up luxury brand that competed with renowned luxury labels such as Louis Vuitton and Goyard to name a few. These iconic brands defined the space and invested heavily in traditional media. As a result, they were better known to market influencers and consumers. After multiple meetings with Paritosh and Priyank, the strategy devised encompassed creative communication and strategic partnerships that would engage and influence key decision-makers in India and internationally.
In their quest to find ‘The Most Influential Names in Architecture and Design’, AD called for entries from across India—and Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan. This time they extended their categories to include fashion designers (who work in the interiors space) and international firms (who have worked on projects in India). This was AD India’s 5th edition of the AD50 award.
For a startup ‘Make In India’ brand like Trunks Company Jaipur, the architect community played a key and influential role. Venerating the finest in architecture and design, X & Zero proposed the idea of Trunks Company crafting a memento in association with Architectural Digest India. Emanating from the intricacy of Indian craftsmanship and artistic excellence of the yesteryears, a trunk was designed to encase the suave AD50 Trophy and an admirable collection of watches and accessories.